Online Surveys

Supported by Voxco Online, CHASR offers programming services to convert survey instruments into an online, virtual format. CHASR has capacity to support simple and logically-intensive online survey instruments. Once programmed, surveys may be distributed directly by the researcher or client, through CHASR-scheduled mail-outs, or by interfacing with one of CHASR’s Third Party Panel Vendors to recruit custom populations.

Experience: The survey specialists at CHASR have a combined 60 years’ experience ranging from small-scale survey distributions to multi-year linked data sets.

Support: In addition to survey-programming and administration, CHASR’s specialists can offer methodological guidance to best support your research objectives.

Flexibility: CHASR’s specialists can flexibly adapt to the needs of researchers and clients from a variety of backgrounds and organizations.

Security: Online survey data is supported by Voxco, a Canadian company whose data are securely stored in Canada. All CHASR data are stored on a University IT-secured storage platform.

Mail Surveys

Mail surveys, or multi-mode online surveys that include mail-out options or invitations, can be managed through CHASR. A CHASR-managed mail-out project includes all the necessary logistical steps such as printing, folding, envelop-stuffing, and label appending. Pre-paid postage options for paper-based mail surveys allow completed surveys to be returned to CHASR where we can complete data entry and analysis activities.

Telephone Surveys

CHASR can engage in small-scale telephone surveys in-house and interfaces with a third-party vendor, EKOS, to provide access to large-scale telephone surveying capabilities. Ekos employs random-digit dialing (landlines and cell phones) to recruit survey respondents that fits the demographic and geographic profile required. Experienced survey interviewers are rigorously trained to collect high-quality, generalizable survey data. CHASR can provide data weights and margin of error calculations to ensure data are representative to the population of interest. Telephone surveys may be programmed and administered across:

  • Multiple languages (translation services are available)
  • Geographic regions
  • Time zones
  • Specific sample characteristics (quotas may be established by a variety of demographic variables)