2022-23 to 2026-27 Strategic Plan

Our strategic plan, covering the period of 2022-2023 to 2026-2027, is the first all-encompassing formal planning document developed by CHASR.

Framed within the context of ‘achievable ambition’, our strategic plan lays out a framework and a guiding path to ensure the short- and long-term sustainability and viability of CHASR as a unique university-based research support and consulting service.

While we want to be ambitious in our goals and aspirations, we also want to be cognizant of what is realistically achievable within a five-year period given time and resource constraints. Our plan strikes an equitable balance between ambition and achievability. It is premised on our need to successfully transition to a wholly fee-for-service unit dependent entirely on internal and external contracts. In short, our vision for the future of CHASR is closely and intricately intertwined with our ability to generate funding to ensure the short- and long-term sustainability and viability of CHASR.

CHASR 2022-2023 to 2026-2027 Strategic Plan Summary